We also organize Bike Tours and Cycling around Kathmandu Valley and over there. Cycling is a great manner of traveling around Nepal and it becomes increasingly popular.
Cycling in Nepal, Trekking in Nepal
Cycling In Nepal

Excursion of Hyangla Namsari: day 5

Day 01: Katmandou with Nagarkot (38 kilometers)

The turn starts early after lunching starting from Katmandou, pass the medieval city of Bhaktapur to us. Bhaktapur is one present antique of city completely of culture of Newari, of much of temples and places. After having explored Bhaktapur we move to the North-East in Nagarkot on the road of launching. We assemble slowely 20km in Nagarkot passing the layers and the houses fast inclined in rice terrace. When we reach on the top, if the alluvium of time, us will be able to see the chain of the Himalayas of the area of Langtang and Khumbu. During the night on the hotel/house of hosts of guest.

Day 02: Nagarkot - Namo Buddha Dhulikhel (35 kilometers)

We eat the lunch with sights of sunrise above the Himalayas. After we go up to leave while descending to top from Nagarkot with Nala the other village from Newari. On the way we pass some interesting villages of the people of Chetri and Bharamans and their daily lives on the fields. Then we leave for Dhulikhel on rising of a trail of dirtiness and small downward hill before reaching the holy Buddhist site of Namo Bouddha. According to the legend it was here that Bouddha, in a preceding incarnation, fed its flesh with a famished tigress as an offer. A stone statue marks the site; there is an active monastery on the hil. We follow the picturesque sight along the macadam and of the dirt tracks again in Dhulikhel. We spend one night at Dhulikhel. Appreciate sunrise it the morning.

Day 03: Namo Buddha in Pauwa - Timal Danda (36 kilometers)

After the voyage of lunching start in Timal celebrates Danda, where majority of the lives of people of Tamang. The first part of horsemanship until Bhakunde Besi is very well launched road. From there start to the top the hill with completion of the road of dust until Timalcot. Starting from the top of TimalDanda you will see fantastic sights of chain and koshi River Valley de Himalyan de Sun in north and the south with the chain of Mahabharat. Once you are on the top which the voyage follows small high and swallows and passes to much the village of Tamang until Pawa.

Day 04: Pauwa with Dhulikhel (37 kilometers)
Bike Tours in Nepal, Trekking in Nepal
Bike Tours In Nepal
Beginnings of turn after lunching with sights of the Himalayas on the northern side. Return the same test until Timalkot. De Timalcot will take a fantastic tilted road of dust to the valley of Panchal. We cross the small call Ghue Khola of river and follow the small way of the valley until Tinpiple de Tamaghat. From here to the friendly high hill of Dhulikhel with the launched road.

Day 05: Dhulukhel towards Katmandou via Lubhu Sisneri (33 kilometers)

Final day of turn passing the ancient city of Panauti. It is less known city seldom visited by tourists. The temple of Indreswor Mahadev in Panauti is the oldest temple of survival in Nepal, supposed being built in 1294A.D. rising in the west; we follow the small way along the river of Roshi. Beyond the town of Madhuban, we enter a narrow primitive valley 300m rising on the superb trail to reach the top of Lakhuri Bhanjyang. It is probably the oldest route is out of Kathmandu Valley, connecting the ancient cities of the valley to Panauti. The ethnic membership of the people change while we go down from Tamangs, Thakuries and Chhetris to the farmers of ground Newari in against-low. We make a cycle then the last part of our voyage of Sisneri at the town of Katmandou with the short visit in the place of Patan Durbar.

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