Forty million years ago, a collision between two dishes of the earth's crust had like consequence the creation of the Himalayas of the more high mountain of the ground. The splendid range of the Himalayas lodges the beautiful landscape confusing and the dramatic environment. The high Himalayas constituting a spectacular range of mountain can attract the heart of any new arrival which is in the search of challenge and splendor. The.The beauty, the mystery and the majesty of these mountains are due to the thick layers of ice and snow which cover them perpetually upwards. Since unmemorable of time, the Himalayas captured the dream, the desires and the imagination of the human beings. Even the Aryan ones early considered these mountains as remains gods and of goddess and the additional ordinary objects of the beauty, scenic splendor, peace and peace. These very high mountains were suitably called the top of the world and the third Pole on the basis of fact that they constitute the athwart ship end.Nepal, renowned everywhere in the world for its scenic and panoramic peaks, is the ground of the supernatural virgin beauty and a true paradise for in love ones with nature.
History of  Nepalese Himalayas Trekking
History of  Nepalese Himalayas Trekking

In 1852 more the high mountain in the world near given and was later baptized name of Mr George Everest. After determination of MT. Everest, no climbing had been a measured mountain of Nepal up to 1949. But, it is made that the history of trekking in Nepal is started after being itself high and the forwarding of much of majestic peaks.In 1949 Switzerland which had been permission earlier refused to test Dhaulagiri, to penetrate in-is Nepal by Darjeeling. The team which carried out by Sutter - Lohner and they explored the peak of glacier, Kang Bachen de Ramtang (7902m) and the triangle of the peak of Drohmo (7008m) Jongsang (7473m) and Nupchu (7028) at the border of Nepal - of Thibet - of Sikkim. They also assemble savour Kangma (6249m) on expenditure of Drohmo as well as the peak of Dzange (6709m) before they returned in Darjeeling the nineteenth day in their forwarding.In Nepal 1949 open its borders to the outside world and within eight years ten of the fourteen peaks of 8000m had been assembled, Annapurna (8091m) was the first to be gone up in 1950, this was followed into 1953 of Everest (8848m) and Nanga Parbat (8125m). Consequently the number of forwarding coming from many various countries world multiplied and by 1964 all these giants of the Himalayas had been assembled, one being Shisa Pangma (8046m) measured by the Chinese in 1964.The peak the highest MT. Everest of the world and other many peaks were assembled much of time now. Tenzing Norge Sherpa and Edmund Hillary reached at the top of the MT world. Everest in 1953. Mister. Edmond Nepal indicated by Hillary is the only country in the world which is also one of the great paradises of the trekking of the world and one of the nicest countries in the world for the trekking.

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