Are you Going to Do Trekking First Time ?

Generally the Trekking in Nepal Himalayas are easy and following good paths with well trodden routes, Nepal most popular trekking routes like Everest, Annapurna and Langtang are well supplied with tea shop and lodges and the trails between these are well used and present easy walking conditions. We have Short easy to Long difficult trekking . You can choose the trek as per your time and fitness level. Normally our trekking allow plenty of time to comfortably complete the itinerary. To ensure that everyone is in good shape on the steady ascent to the trail like Annapurna Base camp, Everest Base camp, Throngla pass and other trekking, all of our trekking itinerary includes an acclimatization days. This ascent presents no real difficulty and should be within the capabilities of fit and active hill walkers. However, there are couples of quite long trekking days and it should be noted that trekking at altitudes above 5000 meters is necessarily strenuous.

Trekking is physical but certainly not beyond the majority of people. The main thing is what sort of experience you want to have from the trekking. You want to reach the center of the great white peaks or you want to pass through villages with many different ethnic cultures. Or you want to get away from it all and disappear into the remote mountains or you might just wish to see a glorious mountain view with little exertion. Another consideration is how much time you have and in what season you would like to trek. Or 3 weeks to a month treks higher passes often close from December to February due to excessive snowfall but 1 to 2 weeks trek can be done easily.

While you are in trekking, walking through the trail after few days body and mind will become completely adjusted, so that it seems this is all one ever meditating with attention put on every step. Take out of yourself in powerful landscape where for centuries holy men and pilgrims have lost and found themselves leaving. The villagers of the Himalaya help reveal all that remains hidden during the every day existence.

You are advices to start an exercise program. If you don't exercise regularly, start. Aerobic fitness is a key factor of a comfortable trekking experience; if your body is used to physical exertion, you will be less likely to suffer from exhaustion or injury. As many as six months before your trek (depending on your level of physical fitness), aim to start a program of regular physical activity for an hour per day, five days per week.

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