(1) mountain making of the bicycle in Nepal
Bhaktapur with Banepa
Bhaktapur (12km with in the east of Kathmandu) with Banepa (14km of Bhaktapur), a historical city on the way towards Tibet, is terrible to make bicycle of mountain. If you want to avoid trucks, there is an old road of Bhaktapur with Banepa which goes via Tathal and from Nala. De Banepa, you can take a south of side-voyage in Panauti (7km) or is in Dhulikhel (6km). An interesting circuit is Banepa with Dhulikhel (6km) with Namura (7km) with Panauti (8km) with Banepa (7km).

Kathmandu with Kodari
The road of 114km Katmandou binder with Kodari at the Chinese border follows the ancient commercial route in Lhasa. Known as road of Arniko, this spectacular road carries out Bhaktapur, Banepa, Dhulikhel and Dolaghat in the east last and then turn north following the course of the rivers of Sun Koshi and Bhote Koshi. The picturesque villages and the quiet fields in terrace against a context of the green hills are the scenic rewards on the trail. The voyage takes four days in top and bottom. During the night at Dhulikhel or Barhabesi (88km of Katmandou) and Tatopani (3km) before Kodari where the thermal springs are an additional attraction.

Kathmandu with Daman
The right end of 75km until Daman on the road of Tribuvan was described like the best turn of bicycle in Nepal. Until the deviation by open Mugling approximately two decades ago, it was the only road in India. The good news for cyclists is that there is very small traffic on the road now. The road develops in spirals jup and to the bottom hills without end and crosses broad valleys and small villages. Leave Kathmandu Valley at Thankot (10km of Katmandou) and above in Palung (65Km) and finally in Daman (altitude 2,400m). There is a tower of sight here which offers to incredible 400km the panorama of the Himalayas extending from Annapurna to Everest. The turn of bicycle with Daman takes all the day.

Balaju with Kakani
The route with the branches of Kakani (altitude 1,982m) with far with the by-pass Balaju (3km in the North-West of the exchange of Katmandou). It is a slow and easy rise in this North-West of the resource 23km of hill of Katmandou. The voyage offers a splendid sight of Ganesh Himal with the fresh and serene atmosphere of the hills.

(2) flights of mountain

See the Himalayas of narrow high

What would you say flights of mountain which offer panoramic meet with the highest peaks on ground? ! The plane starts from Katmandou and flies beside the Himalayas to deliver to you opinions of eye-level of the snow-covered peaks and then pays to you in one hour. Crossing close to the impressive solid masses of the rock and the ice, the flight presents a view poustouflante.
While the plane takes off and moves towards the east, you put 't must wait to discover too a long time what 's in the store for you. Initially towards your extreme left, you see Gosaithan, also called Shisha Pangma, being held with the majestic size of 8,013m. Immediately with the right-hand side of Gosaithan, there appears Dorje Lhakpa (6,966m) covered with snow. With the right-hand side of Dorjee Lakpa is Phurbi-Chyachu, which appears indistinctly above Kathmandu Valley.While the plane slips length, the mountains come narrower and narrower. Afterwards on the vision is Choba-Bhamare, smallest of the fate with 5,933m but singularly obstinate because it was never assembled. The mountain appears then which is not only ahead in sight but also in spirituality - Gauri-Shankar. One says that the Shiva lord (Shankar) and her Gauri husband protects this mountain, to the proud size of 7,134m, and the top had a history of the attempts not successful up to 1979. Gauri-Shankar is pointed and very remarkable during the flight of mountain.

While the plane moves towards the ground of the Rising sun, the Eastern Himalayas, a succession of the glorious mountains follow. Melungtse, has plate-like the mountain, stretches until 7,023m. Chugimago with 6,297m is always virgin waiting to go up. 6,956m, the mountain of number resembles a centre, the maternal source in the sky providing pure milk to Sherpas of Solu Khumbu. Is after Karyolung, a mountain intensely white which with the gleams of 6,511m with the Rising sun. Choyu is the sixth plus high mountain in the world. Reaching a size of 8,201m, it seems in a dazzling way beautiful planes.

Afterwards on the menu is Gyachungkang, with a majestic size of 7,952m, considered an extremely difficult rise. With the right-hand side of Gychungkang is Pumori (7,161m). As you obtain more close to MT Everest, there 's Nupste (7,855m), which means the Western peak, meaning its direction of Everest. Finally there 's Everest (8,848m) itself, known like Sagarmatha by the Nepalese and Chomolungma by the Tibetans. Much was already written about Everest, but to be pilot really of him head with head during a flight of mountain is other thing. Even while it appears indistinctly there in front of the eyes, this remainder a enigma, this higher spot on ground.

(3) labelling

Nowadays, it is not very common to obtain with each corner of the world within a time regulated by yourself by a mode of displacement which you choose. However, much of people are hidden to the top of some share suddenly and start to obtain agitated and growl about the things which go in the opposition their program pre-planned. The main cause of the delay in your voyages perhaps obtaining tickets at the good moment.

Our active role of labelling in almost all the destination of the world, helps us to make things possible. Obtaining the tickets, particularly for internal flights in countries, can really lead you insane. To avoid these annoying events we are with your service. We assure you to them tickets any destination of the world at the very competing prices. With us you can save time and employ your efforts doing something worthier. Gift 't hesitate to contact us. Us 'love of D to provide you a quotation or extra informations free.

(4) pilgrimage and excursion

Crowned sites
Without counting that Pashupatinath with Katmandou, one of the Hindu pilgrimages holiest in world; Lumbini, the birthplace of the Buddha in southernmost Nepal; and Janakpur, where Sita, husband of lord RAM, had been born, the kingdom contains many of other holy places which attract the faithful one everywhere.

Visitors 'guide of the religious places:
  1. It is possible to visit the majority of the temples, stupas and tombs, except the interior sanctuary. There are panels of sign if the entry is restricted.
  2. Remove your shoes before entering temples and monasteries.
  3. Shoes, the handbags, the belts and other made accessories of leather are prohibited in the majority of the religious places.
  4. While entering a court of temple, circulate in a time direction.
  5. There is a small pie-chart of mandala stone or out of metal on the ground in front of the majority of the tombs. Please not take a step on top.
  6. Photography is generally allowed. Using flashes when people adore can be ill-considered.
  7. It is polished to ask the permission before taking photographs, although people who adore can find it ill-considered.
  8. It is polished with the permission requested before taking photographs of the people carrying out of the crowned rites.
  9. Please not touch the offers or the people when they are on their way with a temple or carry out the ritual ones.
  10. Consumption is not made inside enclosure of tomb.
  11. Please you do not rest or you do not raise on the statues.
  12. Please remember that the temples are the active places of worship and the nonarchaeological specimens.

(5) to go up in balloon to hot air of the Himalayas

Quiet advantageous position of a balloon with hot air with three thousand meters we can see an extraordinary scene of the temples, ancient monasteries and rice plantations.

Largest of all the gods, Shiva rested of its work making the world. With its left hand it pushed its three-pronged fork in the ground creating of this fact the three perfect lakes of Gokyo nested under the crowned mountain of Chomolonga (goddess of mother of all the ground - MT Everest).

Shiva seemed in the west and with its sword in its right crack the mountain of Chhobar. At the time of the Chhobar impact became a throat and the giant lake in the valley was drained of all water. The fertile valley of Katmandou had been born.

But now look at north with the crowned mountains of snow of Ganesh, Langtang, and Gauri Shankar and naturally MT Everest and you realize that the impressive wild area of the Himalayas could only be the place of housing of the gods.

Flights of balloon of sunrise

With the first rays of the sunlight our high balloon of nine stories it comes slowly to the life. A giant of sleep decorated the with all the eyes indicators of Buddha of him undulates, extends and increases slowly.

With elegance and always so much slowly, the balloon is relieved of the ground. The departure is so soft that few passengers even realize as we float now above the red til
ed tops of roof of the town of Kathmandu. Majestic rises of balloon. A stone launching in the east is the ancient village of Bhaktapur. It is a collection perhaps the temples Buddhist and Hindu most historical and holiest found in Asia. Look towards the center of the place of Durbar with Kathmandu and the gilded temple of Kumari precipitates the sun the 'contact of S in a ventilator of the brilliance never to be pointed out. Above Kathmandu you look outside with the range moreover high mountain on ground. There are no dusty perspex, engine of noise or wing vibrating of plane to damage more the spectacular of all the sights.

You can never not assemble MT Everest but of the safety and the comfort perfect of a wicker basket, in the oldest form and most romantic of flight, you will estimate that you reached the top of the world in safety without effort. On the sunrise of balloon Nepal 's a flight of balloon of hour, Shiva 'creation of S becomes simply unforgettable.

(6) reservation of hotel

A range of standard hotels, equivalent to the international standards, are now abundant in Nepal, most of the time at the cities and the tourist-attended cities. howev

er Not-hold the first role the hotels, comfortable, inns and cabins are found
along all the popul
ar trails of trekking. The reservation for the cabins and the inns are not essential because our guide
s h
old all the responsibilities for your comfortable stay. However good housing in the cities and the cities is really ardently desired for by much of travellers after a prolonged flight and a length, a long time and marvellous experiment of the Himalayas.

It is not difficult that you obtained a reservation of part to the hotels the ones Des. Your reservation and reconfirmation of a room is made free of the cost per day former on your arrival if you ask it.
For Bhutan there are the fixed hotels according to your route of excursion and trekking. Which hotels provide you are the standard of luxury.

In the event of housing in Thibet, you are provided according to the level of the voyage which you choose. However, there isn 't much of difference while you are on the way, except some places where there are alternatives.

(7) hiring of vehicle

the cruiser of the ground 4WD, Pajero, the car with A.C. Toyota, Ten Seater Van, mini the vehicles of bus, bus and truck are available for transport to each corner of the country where the roads leaves. Our exceptional service and prices will have to return to you for more.

Devices of our services:
  1. service 24hrs
  2. Range of choice
  3. Guaranteed comfortable seats
  4. In the event of is break-towards bottom, conveys alternate is place with him with the short scale of time.
  5. Drivers available

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